Writing 101 : Serially lost – Goodbye my purple wheel

Serially lost or serially loud.

It was a Nissan something, a purple hatchback, with a huge company logo on each of the passenger car door. I’ve had that car since my son went to kindy. Besides its official duties of visiting and delivery merchandize (big posters, banners, subscription forms and advertising material of all sorts) across shops in the country, it had its fair share of being in line waiting for the bell to ring and moving forward to the school gate picking my kids from school.

For eight years our family was associated with this purple car. First you saw the car, then me or us. We were never a loud family but the car heralded our appearances all around town. One day, there were talks that the company was going to upgrade the fleet, a reduced sized logo and softer color.

I didn’t wait for that to happen. I made a conscious decision to step out of that limelight and left the job.

Goodbye my purple wheels.


purple nissan1


via The Daily Prompt – Writing 101: Serially Lost
Today, write about a loss. The twist: make this the first post in a three-post series.

One thought on “Writing 101 : Serially lost – Goodbye my purple wheel

  1. Pingback: Writing 101 : Serially found – My next wheels | WorldwideFriends

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